A Dose of God is here for You
Right now, and will forever be

God is offering you a Dose of His grace at this very moment. He is here for you right now. His presence is infinite. His time is endless. Be still. Be present. Be aware. Ease your mind of regrets, worries, anticipations, and other incessant thoughts. His bright light shines eternally, but meaningless thoughts can cloud your awareness of His glory. Your best interest is in God’s will. Accept the Dose as He gives it to you. It is designed specifically for you, specifically for your soul. Each Dose will guide you down the path that is meant for you. You will know in your heart that you are living your best life. God offers you Doses from an infinite supply of medicine that will optimize the prosperity designed for your life. If you do not know with all your heart that a Dose of God is eternally here for you, have faith and you soon will know. Let the clouds disappear and His light will shine.

  • How often do you realize when you receive a Dose of God?
  • How do you feel when you receive a Dose of God?
  • Do you know that you can receive a Dose of God whenever you are ready to accept it?
  • Do you accept the Dose of God that is being offered to you right now?

Pause for a moment of stillness.……………………………… When you realize that God is eternally here for you, you receive a Dose of God.

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