It’s in the energy of a Party
When out with friends on a city night
When at a party with your friends on a busy city night, you have the opportunity to see God in all people and things that you encounter. Just as God is there on the open road in complete stillness, He is also there in the thrilling energy of a party. In busy environments like a party, so much exists to see, hear, and feel. God’s presence is there in all of it. See His actions in the behaviors of others. Hear His voice in the people who speak. Feel his hand in the touch of a friend. Taste His flavor in the sip a beverage. Smell His scent in the aroma of the air. Pay attention to all that is happening, but limit the time of your focus on any one thing. Accept the busy-ness as it arrives and accept it as it passes. Clear your mind of incessant thoughts and allow your time to flow smoothly with the exciting sequence of events. As you align your pace with the speed of the party, your awareness of God’s presence is enhanced.

  • When and where do you experience busy environments?
  • Do you witness God in the energy of a party or other busy environment?
  • How do you witness Him?
  • Do you see, hear, feel, taste, or smell Him?

When you realize God’s grace in the energy of a party or other busy environment, you receive a Dose of God.

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