A Dose is there when you find Joy
As you twirl a hula-hoop
Twirling a hula-hoop is a productive way to find joy in life. It provides us with entertainment and exercise, which can be beneficial to the mind, body, and soul. It’s a fun way to work off those additional calories that you took in with your extra scoop of ice cream. God has a divine methodology for providing us with fun opportunities to compensate for some of the less-healthy extras that we receive. He knows that although the extra ice cream may not be an ideal product for our physical health, the little bit extra can significantly benefit our mind and spirit. And, He knows that by offering us fun opportunities to offset the physical consequences that can result from the ice cream, we can still maintain a healthy balance of mind, body, and spirit. Engaging in an activity that is productive and fun is a genuine blessing to our lives. Countless activities have potential to be productive and fun, especially those that align with our passions. Allow yourself to experience joy in the exercises you endure for your mind, body, and spirit. Let yourself follow a path that allows you to engage in the productive activities that you enjoy most.

  • Are you on a path that allows you to participate in productive activities that you enjoy?
  • What productive activities do you enjoy the most?
  • Do you participate in such activities when the opportunities arise?
  • Do they balance out some of the less healthy pleasures that you enjoy?

When you find joy in activities that benefit your mind, body, and spirit, you receive a Dose of God.

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