It’s in the pleasant sounds of Kids
As they play freely through your house
Kids are so genuine. Their sounds are authentic. Their excitement, joy, and purity of behaviors are vivid representations of truth in the moment. As kids play, they live in the present, unburdened by past occurrences or future anticipation. They embrace the moment as it is and do not dwell on what just happened or what will happen next. Witnessing the genuineness conveyed by children as they play can be an effective reminder for us to limit our focus on the past and future. Certainly, room exists for reflection and planning, but excess reflection and planning can prompt dwelling and anticipation that cloud the beauty of the only moment that truly exists, which is now. Authenticity lives in the present. Behaviors that reside in future anticipation or past thoughts lack the purity that exists in behaviors that unite with the present moment.

  • Do you realize the genuineness exhibited by children as they play?
  • Or, are you burdened by the extra noise?
  • When and where else do you witness genuine behaviors, actions, words, or feelings?
  • Do you see the purity of the moment that exists right now?

When you realize the genuineness of any moment, whether you are witnessing the pleasant sounds of kids or another pure experience, you receive a Dose of God.

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