It's on the radio in the Car
When you hear your favorite song
The car can be an ideal place to receive a Dose of God. You can turn on the radio or put in your favorite CD and bask in the rhythm of a song that aligns with your musical taste. Music can make you feel so good inside and prompt you to simply enjoy the moment. It can free you from incessant thought and the clouds of external distractions that disrupt the peace that is designed for you. When you hear your favorite song, you hear something that resonates deeply within you. You can encounter similar resonating experiences as you come across your favorite quote, read a book from your favorite author, watch your favorite movie, or listen to a lecture from your favorite teacher.

  • What is your favorite song?
  • How is it played for you?
  • When do you hear it?
  • Do you bask in the moment when it plays?

Whether your favorite “song” takes the form of a song, movie, book, lecture, or something else, when it manifests a moment of presence for you, you receive a Dose of God.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z