It’s in the in the sound of your Delightful voice
When you decide to sing along
You hear your favorite song in the car and then allow yourself the freedom to sing it. You don’t just hear it; you become so present with the moment that you are now a part of it, contributing your unique, delightful voice to the tune. When you sing along, you let your voice be heard with confidence, absent of any fear. The moment feels perfect. Life allows you opportunities to “sing along” in countless environments beyond the car. Life plays many songs for us; we can choose to become part of the songs by singing along; or we can let them play while we simply observe. Sometimes we are meant to be observers, but when our favorite song is playing, we have the opportunity to sing along with all our passion and soul. It is the song that resonates most deeply with us and therefore we can offer our greatest contributions to the tune and feel good about our participation. When life grants you opportunities to follow your passion, it’s like life is playing your favorite song. Let your delightful voice be heard. Sing along with confidence and soul.

  • Do you sing along when your favorite song plays?
  • What is your passion?
  • Do you sing along when life plays the music for you to follow it?

When you let your delightful voice complement your favorite song or your passion in life, you receive a Dose of God.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z