A Dose of God is on your Ice cream
When you receive an extra scoop
At times in our lives, we receive a little more than we requested. In the case of ice cream, the server might add one more scoop to our sundae even though we didn’t ask. This is an opportunity for us to indulge in the little bit extra that was added to our treat. It might be a few more calories than we bargained for, but we accept and enjoy the extra scoop that was specifically given to us. Every once in a while, a little extra of something can be good for our soul. Many extras grace our lives. They may come in the form of food at a restaurant, praise from a parent, an out of the blue “I love you” from a spouse, a bonus on your paycheck, or an unexpected call from a friend. It’s the grace of God shining down on us with a little token of appreciation. When we are given extra in excess, however, the extra becomes the norm. Consequently, we lose our appreciation for the previous norm as we heighten our expectations. We must learn to appreciate the many extras that are given to us throughout our lives. As we express genuine appreciation towards them, we will receive the extra things in life more frequently because we have not spoiled our authentic appreciation with heightened expectations.

  • What extra things do you receive in life?
  • Do you accept them as extras, or do you raise your expectations of the norm?
  • Do you express appreciation for them?

When you embrace the extra as a blessing in your life, you receive a Dose of God.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z