It’s in the eXtra effort you offer
That allows you to direct your sail
As the winds of life change directions, extra effort will be required to ensure that we continue on the right course. We have no control over the winds and, therefore, must accept them as they are. We can, however, control our reactions to the changing wind patterns by moving our sails to stay on the course designed for us. We encounter many winds in our lives; winds that blow from all directions. At times, the winds are comfortable and consistent, and we can simply let them guide us in the direction we desire. Everything seems to be going right when these winds blow. Other times, the winds will change directions, and if we don’t make the effort to redirect our sail, we will get blown off course. Things might seem to be going wrong when these winds blow, but we can redirect our sail to ensure that these winds are also right for us. Redirecting our sail requires presence, vision, and discipline. We must be present enough to realize which direction the wind is blowing; we must have a clear vision to know which way we should be going; and we must be disciplined enough to react with efforts that keep us on course.

  • Do you adjust your sail with the wind to ensure that you stay on the right course?
  • What types of winds are comfortable in your life?
  • What types of winds can blow you off course if you don’t make the effort to redirect your sail?

When you make the necessary effort to direct your sail and stay on course, you receive a Dose of God.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z